Click here for help with using the map.

Click the left mouse button and hold it, then move the mouse to pan around the map, to locate the desired case or property.

Clicking on a case or property on the map will display a pop-up with brief details from where you can access the full case details within Public Access.

Map icon information
Map icon Description
Map zoom in Map zoom out Use the map zoom tools to help you zoom in or out or, alternatively, use the mouse scroll wheel.
Map layer Use the layer tool to turn on and off layers of information relating to different application/case types. Also within this tool you can use the timescale utility to determine how far back in time the data being displayed goes.
Map save search
Use the searches tool to save map searches, for ongoing use, to your registered account. This will allow you to save a search based on the map as you are looking at it on screen (rectangular search). Any activity within this area will then update you via the notifications.

You can also draw a circle on the map, based on a selected radius, using the circular search tool which will then be saved and any activity within the circle e.g. a radius from your house, will then update you via the notifications. You need to make sure you are zoomed in enough to see the circle and you can move the pop-up window if the circle is partially obscured by it. You can also pan around using the mouse whilst the circular search tool is open.
Map measurement
Use the measurement tool to measure area and distances on the map. Simply select the tool and start clicking on the map. Double click to deactivate the tool and get a final measurement reading. You can change the measurement units. Use the clear button to remove the measurements from the map.

Note - the measurement tool is only to be used for indicative purposes.

Further help information can be found under the "Help with this page" link on this page.

This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Fenland District Council Licence No. AC0000815148 (2024).

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